Tuesday 11 April 2023

Hex Crawl 23 #100: Grim Ruins of Tur Kasgi

Three hexes northeast, three hexes southeast of Alakran.


Tur Kasgi was once the strongpoint of Dulsharna's western plains army, a keep of eight towers built on an artificial mound and surrounded by a wall of sixteen towers. Four years ago, a horde of gnolls, Khilan lizardfolk, and demon cultists forced the last remains of the army into the fortress and began a months-long siege. The taking of Tur Kasgi was brutal; the gnoll mothers, briefly united under the visionary leader Roz'taa, fell apart from each other and from their allies after she was killed breaching the keep. The minotaur Bosmaritus tried to take command but could not convince the fractured victors to come together. In vain he ordered atrocities against the survivors; in vain he set up the grisly display that nobody has dared disturb to this day. Commanding only a fraction of the original horde, the bull-man and his cohort fled north to take refuge in Nathrak.

In mockery of the defenders, the bodies of beast-folk and cultists were hung from the broken walls of the fortress, the bleached skull of Roz'taa given place of honor above the gate. The corpses of the defenders were scattered in the desert, face down, heads pointing away from the walls, as if fleeing. 

 The grisly display still stands, but oracles and visions may point to a resolution. If the bodies of the invaders are removed from outside the alls, and the bodies of the defenders are returned to the fortress and given burial inside the series of cellars dug beneath the keep, and then that tomb is sealed and blessed, anyone involved in the enterprise will have their sins, maladies, and curses blessed and removed by the power of Mitra or whatever you may call the force of good that looks on the world with mercy and pity.

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