Reading the hoop-la about the Seclusium of Orphone -- mostly, complaints about its difficulty of use at the table - made me realize that a) one of my existing play aids, the Bag of Tricks also is less usable than it could be; b) with just a little work and squeezing it could be re-formatted into a two-page spread along the lines of my 3 x d20 table series and others (such as Vornheim).
I think this takes the product into the realm of being usable in actual live play, rather than just to prepare a dungeon trick in the seclusium of one's home. The resulting pdf is now available over on the right, topping the downloads section, in four-page pamphlet form. It's probably best printed in color, in "shrink to fit page" format. Let me know what you think!
As a bonus here's an example trick generated on the fly:
Pool, with food/fruit which if you cast spell on, gives ...
And here's yet another way to use the Bag - just use the left-hand page and fill in the most appropriate outcome yourself.
A pool, with seven closed exotic water flowers floating on it. If a spell is cast in the room, the flowers open. Picking one and eating its fruit will make the caster recall that particular spell, ready to use again.
‘Round Trip Back To These Here Parts...
2 hours ago
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