Thursday, 31 May 2012

One Page Dungeon Results Out!


And my Old Bastard's Barrens is a winner, in the most perfectly appropriate category: Best New Presentation.

It's great when a long-brewing idea makes it. The "hexcrawl with lair ranges" was something I first thought up in high school, but it took the Internet and the Blogosphere to make things happen with it. Nothing like an appreciative audience.

So I'd like to thank Crom, the academy, and everyone out there who thought it was a cool idea, helped refine it, and egged me on to the finish line. Paolo, for tipping me off on google chat. And congrats to all the other winners! Really amazing ideas and art this year. Maybe I'll round up some of my favorites soon.


  1. Gratz! It's quite innovative.

    BTW the Barrens link isn't working for me this time, not sure if it's on my end or not.

  2. Congratulations! This year had so many entries, and so many of them were excellent, that you can be proud of being a winner.

  3. Hm, the whole OPDC page won't load for me ... massive rush to download the dungeons? Anyway, try this link for the final version.

  4. Hearty congrats, man. Keep up the good work.
