Sunday 8 January 2023

Hex Crawl 23 #8: A Long Ramp up the Scarp

2 hexes north of Alakran.

The anathema tomb in hex #2 can be reached by means of a miles-long ramp carved subtly into the Scarp -- the dotted gray line on the map, rising from north to south. It is not visible from the ground except near its first half-mile. The ramp is only wide enough for single file, starts at ground level and goes up some 300 feet over the course of  three miles. That's a 1:53 gradient, corresponding to the 2nd red line from the bottom of this chart. Perceptible, but not steep.

(Note to dungeon designers: Your 30' stairway going down 15' from one floor to another - 1:2 - is still pretty damn steep. Your 10' stairway that does the same thing is a veritable precipice!)

The Pazuzu cultists to the north know of this ramp and plan to use it to access the tomb when the time is right. Stay tuned...

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