Tuesday 25 April 2023

Hex Crawl 23 #114: Imanak's Retreat

 One hex south, five southwest of Alakran.


Imanak, mentor of Nura and a few other Sandwalkers, is an old woman, skinny and jumpy as a cricket. She lives in a blasted-out sandstone hollow cupped between a pair of knife-like ridges, on the eastern edge of the province of Targatana, facing the desert whence her power comes. 

Imanak has taken the welfare of the nearby villages of Bekala and Wezgeb (5-10 miles to the west) as her business. All the same, her attention is more often oriented outwards, to the stretch of desert that lies between her villages and the southern extent of the Scarp.

As an elder Sandwalker she has renounced all mineral wealth and her power is vested in three unremarkable-looking objects imbued with the forces of the sands:

A gourd: Which if buried in the sand overnight fills with three long drinks of water, each of which removes one exhaustion level when drunk, acts as holy water, and furthermore can revive any dry plant or put out a fire the size of a house.

A staff: Which if pointed at a being within 100', makes that being's every step as long as their shadow; hobbling them at noon, but allowing them to take great strides at dawn and dusk.

A reed: Which if blown through, pointing at an expanse of sand, creates a trench or well in the sand (according to how it is pointed) which the blower may hide in. The sand smoothly covers the hider and while the reed is in their mouth they may breathe normally and hear everything that happens above the sand.

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