Tuesday 4 April 2023

Hex Crawl 23 #93: Temple and Citadel of Death

 Four hexes north, two northeast of Alakran.


More area controlled by the necromantic town-state of Gheenatru.

Here, the farm, orchard, and fortress features are populated semi-randomly as they were in hex #64. The fortress is an old frontier castle built on the highest point of a short ridge that parallels the Shi-Ar river. 

The novel feature is the Akkanti death temple, a cluster of dome-shaped buildings surrounding a large central dome. Fully 50% of encounters based on this 5 mile hex will use the following table of temple denizens rather than the table from hex #64. To determine who is in Akkanti at any given time, roll d4 twice and a d6.

1. Supillabra, level 9 wizard (necromancer), old, shaven and dessicated man, ox skull headdress

2. Vishala, level 5 cleric, plump and dark-eyed woman, bleeding facial sores as a mark of favor, hair done up in a crown

3. Kala, level 3 cleric with 4 level 1 acolytes, all women or male eunuchs and hard to tell who is who, faces painted as skulls, hooded robes

4. Mardum, level 4 fighter (eldritch knight with necromancy spells) and 4 level 1 guards, all in heavy armor with skull masks, battle cart drawn by 4 undead donkeys

5. Runaway sacrificial victim who knows they are to be taken to Nathrak and turned into a super-durable zombie.

6. 2d10 lay cultists of the temple, ordinarily dwelling in another hex of the Gheenatru realm on their way to or from there, with 20 gp of offerings per cultist if going to. Hooded cult robes give an opportunity for victorious enemis to try the ol' disguiseroo trick.


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