Sunday 9 April 2023

Hex Crawl 23 #98: Lightning Scarabs

 Five hexes northeast, one southeast of Alakran.


In the hollows and crevices of the east end of the Kanassatar Ridge dwells a singular type of insect. The size of a hand, with hard siliceous shells, these glossy black scarabs have a bluish-green glow to their underbellies. If they are touched by, or touch, metal or uncovered skin, they give off a zap for d4 shocking damage, up to three times in an hour. If they are crushed - and any hit will crush them - their unspent charges "explode", damaging all susceptible things and beings within 5'. Naturally, they are immune to lightning damage and such energies will instead restore all their charges.

Some alchemists and artificers are aware of the value of these magical creatures for their experiments and there is a 25% chance that each one will pay up to 25 gp per beetle. They have not to date been successfully used as a weapon; they act too willfully for that.

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